1·Production quantities can be scheduled to complete the production volume, to issue warning signals.
2·We issue a warning after a big earthquake, and we can predict what the tsunami arrival times should be because tsunami speed is directly controlled by the depth of the water through which it travels.
3·This is a good example of the sort of warning information that SNMP can provide to help notify you of an issue that requires further investigating.
4·You can choose to do nothing, issue a test log error or warning, or exit the test.
5·If you misspell the warning or use a warning that doesn't exist, this flag will issue a warning.
6·Now before we go any further, let me issue a warning.
7·This warning should be displayed in the authorization interface for Consumer sites that have not upgraded to a version of the spec that fixes this issue.
8·She is not the only expert to issue a warning about the threat posed by solar storms.
9·Unchecked generic type operation The compiler will issue an error or warning whenever it encounters an unchecked generic type operation.
Unchecked generic type operation编译器每当遇到未经检查的泛型类型操作,就将发出一个错误或者警告。
10·Sun Microsystems is warning users about a remote code execution vulnerability in Sun Solaris and is recommending that users work around the issue.
Sun日前面向用户发布警告称,Sun Solaris系统存在多个远程代码执行漏洞,并建议用户提高警惕。